Expressive Souls Readings

Below is a list of readings currently available. I highly recommended new clients start with the 30-day Soul Purpose Discovery Process. All readings include detailed processes to release and clear blocks and restrictions currently holding you back.

Not sure which reading session is right for you? I'm here to help! Call or email me directly at 860-373-1431 or kyrsten@expressivesouls(dot)com and I will be happy to help you determine your next steps.


30-day Soul Purpose Discovery Process

This is the most comprehensive reading. You will learn details about your Soul’s origins and history, and what special gifts and purpose you bring into this lifetime. We will also uncover and clear any negative influences from past and present lifetimes that may currently be affecting you. Learn more...
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Life Situation Reading

These sessions are ideal if you are a current client who wishes to receive realignment work for specific life situations that are currently presenting themselves. Life situation readings focus exclusively on determining the “root cause” of a situation, clearing blocks and restrictions so you can take new action to move forward. In these sessions we will not go into detail about your Soul’s history or purpose.

**New clients are encouraged to start with a Soul Profile Reading and Clearing session.

Single Issue (30 minutes)

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Two or Three Issues (75 minutes)

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Relationship Reading

Do you want information on your Soul’s history and karmic ties with another person? Discover the spiritual perspective of your relationship with your partner or loved one. Realign blocks and restrictions in both of your Soul Records that may be negatively influencing your relationship. Discover what Soul-level agreements you have made with each other, past lives shared, and what life themes you have agreed to explore together. This 75 minute consultation offers you incredible insight into the dynamics of your relationships.

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Property Reading and Clearing Session

Does your home or office feel like your sacred space? Are you moving into a new home or office and want an energetic "clean slate" so you can make the property your own? Many places hold the negative vibrations of the past. If you struggle to get organized, feel uncomfortable in your space, or have an older home or office, this reading can drastically shift the space into a peaceful sanctuary. This reading also serves to protect your property from further negative influences. This is a 30-minute consultation.

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All consultations are held on the telephone. The client bears responsibility for all long-distance charges. After purchasing your consultation, I will contact you within 24 hours to schedule your appointment. Prepayment is required for all consultations. There is a 24-hour cancellation policy, should you need to reschedule.


Check out our Frequently Asked Questions page to learn more.

If you have additional questions, please call 860-373-1431 or email me directly at kyrsten (at) KyrstenBarrett (dot) com

Looking forward to working with you!


To Your Divinity!

Kyrsten Barrett
Psychic & Manifestation Mentor